Terms and Conditions
Cancellation Policy
We understand that sometimes – even with the best of intentions – the best-laid plans go awry. However, from the time that you make your booking with us, we commit your places and hold them for you. This means that should someone else want to go on the tour you are booked on, we may not be able to take that person or people on the tour.
All of our Tours have a flexible cancellation Policy without a charge to you, as longest you cancel 3 days before your tour departure time.
Visiting by Cruise Ship? No-Port, No Charge. Cruise Lines Advise their Clients with Plenty of Time if they will not make Port. You must call us or write with the news as soon as you can to avoid any Charges.
Guest cancellation in less than 3 days prior to departure time will result in a 50% refund of the tour fare.
Full Refund for Weather-Related issues such as Tropical Storms, Hurricanes, or Cold Fronts resulting on the Cruise Ship Arrival Cancellation or port Close.
No Money Back for Rain or to Hot of a Day
Acceptance of Conditions